Handcrafted: A Labour of Love

When you look at the multitude of skincare brands displayed on the shelves of your local chemist or health store, most of them will have been made in huge, automated production facilities, with very little human contact or presence. We often don’t realise that many skincare brands do not even make their own products – in fact the production of a vast majority of skincare brands is done by outsourced contract manufacturers – starting from ingredients purchased in bulk, produced, filled, bottled and labelled on giant production lines that would also be used for multiple brands and, in some cases, food and beverage and pharmaceutical ‘clients’ as well. This outsourced, mass-produced, industrial-scale process couldn’t be further from how we believe baby skincare or any skincare for that matter should be made.
Most handcrafted skincare is made in the kitchens and on the stoves of their founders and that’s exactly how it started at Four Cow Farm! Today, our creams, washes and balms are still made on our family farm, but instead of Nanna’s kitchen, it’s now made in the old milking barn and dairy, converted from its previous use into a fully ACO-certified workshop – still under the watchful eye of Nanna!
We take the handcrafted ethos very seriously from knowing exactly the source and quality of every ingredient we use, hand preparing, measuring and mixing, filling, bottling and labelling, right through to the fastidious cleaning of everything that comes into contact with our range.
It started as Nanna’s labour of love for her grandchildren, and a labour of love it remains to this day!