Our Washes
We use it countless times a day, but we often take for granted a product which seems so simple. Soap has been around for over five thousand years and it’s one of our oldest inventions but, despite its very long history the art of traditional soap making really hasn’t changed in all that time...
Detergents vs Soaps
Nowadays, most of what we think of as soap; the various shampoos, liquid soaps and washes we use, isn’t soap at all, but rather modern chemical detergents. Read the ingredients list of common shampoo, hand, body washes, kitchen detergents and you’ll see words like ‘sulphate’, ‘betaine’, ‘glycoside’, all indications that what you’re using on your skin isn’t soap at all but a modern chemical detergent, designed to be efficient at cleaning but nowhere near as gentle or nourishing for the skin as a traditional soap and in nearly every documented study, harsh, drying and potentially harmful. Mostly made from petroleum (yes, petrol!) ingredients and by-products, modern detergents are some of the most effective cleaning agents ever created but their effectiveness means they can also remove our skin’s natural protective layer of oils and sebum leaving it dry and damaged.
Commercial Soaps vs Traditional Soaps
Traditionally made soap, made simply from the saponification which takes place when oils & fats mix with an alkali substance, contains all the natural by-products of that reaction, including the benefits and features of the oils used, as well as naturally occurring glycerine, which is what adds that rich, moisturising & nourishing feel to traditional soaps. In commercial soaps, glycerine is extracted in order to be used in moisturisers and lotions, leaving behind a harder, harsher soap. That’s probably why the word ‘soap’ sometimes has a bad rep these days as something that strips the skin of moisture! Nothing could be further from the truth. Traditional soaps keep all that lovely glycerine within the soap, making it extremely moisturising and soothing on the skin. Think of traditionally made soaps as cleansers and moisturisers-in-one :)
Castile Soap, the King of Traditional Soaps!
Today, soap is made from all sorts of different oils. Most commercial soaps are made from palm and coconut oils, both of which are cheap and in abundance, as well as extremely effective at making strong soaps which lather well and cleanse effectively. Many ‘sulphate’ detergents use the very same oils as their base! But the king of soaps; true Castile soaps, are made only from olive oil, for its gentleness and ability to cleanse the skin without stripping it of all its natural protective layer. Four Cow Farm makes traditional true Castile soaps, made ONLY from extra virgin cold-pressed Australian-grown olive oil, and cooked slowly over weeks to keep as much of the benefits of the oil as possible.
With only four ingredients in every wash we handcraft, we believe soap is all about bringing together the best ingredients, and keeping it simple.
Our Washes
When you try our pure castile washes and shampoos you will see
Castile soaps, made from Olive Oil originated from the Castile region of Spain. Used for centuries, these soaps, renowned for their incredible moisturising properties, were popular with the royalty of Europe. Our Castile Washes are 100% pure Castile soaps made from ONLY pure, cold pressed 100% extra virgin Olive Oil and are free of chemicals, artificial fragrances, colourings and foaming agents. Handcrafted and slow cooked our washes are true, artisan washes that are incredibly rich & moisturising and perfect for irritated skin, dry hair or scalp, or those sensitive to chemicals. We started making washes for our own babies, now our range has grown to include shampoo and washes for new and soon-to-be mothers and for the entire family.
Our 100% Pure Castile Soap Baby Wash is made only from Premium Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, with no palm or coconut oils – making it one of the gentlest and purest natural washes you can use for baby, or any skin.
Free from foaming additives, fragrances and preservatives, this low-foaming 100% Pure Castile Soap Baby Wash is slowly double-cooked over days at a very low temperature, so that it retains all the antioxidants and benefits of its ingredients. Infused with Organic Echinacea Extract which soothes and calms dry and irritated skin, this all-natural face, hair and body wash is perfect for those with sensitive skin or skin prone to dryness and irritation.