Our Natural Skincare Blog | Everything You Need to Know

skincare oils

Cold-Pressed Oils in Skincare

Have you noticed the variety of plant and vegetable oils used in skincare products these days? From olive to rosehip, coconut, soybean, and even palm, there seems to be an endless range of oils available. However, it's crucial to consider the quality of the oils being used in these products.
This could be causing your sensitive skin

This could be causing your sensitive skin

We often hear from customers who’ve started reacting to products they’ve never reacted to before, or getting dry or red spots on skin which never used to have a reaction. Here’s what we hope is a helpful guide to what might be causing the problem.
Spring-clean your skincare!

Spring-clean your skincare!

Spring has finally arrived, and there's no better time than now to give your skincare routine a refreshing overhaul. Here are our top tips for revamping your skincare regimen this spring
Are You Using the Right Moisturiser for Your Skin?

Are You Using the Right Moisturiser for Your Skin?

Moisturisers play a key role in keeping moisture in the skin and keeping it hydrated. The right moisturiser will soothe and protect the skin, enhancing our skin’s natural ability to renew and protect itself.
Cold and dry weather can trigger eczema. 5 tips to keep it at bay.

Winter Eczema Woes: Tips for Keeping Your Skin Happy

We all know that drier air and colder temperatures mean that skin loses moisture more quickly. And for eczema affected skin, which finds it challenging to hold onto its own moisture, it means that reminder to ‘moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!’ is more important than ever! But did you know that there are other triggers that can cause eczema to worsen in winter? Keep an eye on these five to ensure you keep eczema at bay during the colder weather.

Why Simple Skincare is Better For Your Skin

Why Simple Skincare is Better For Your Skin

At Four Cow Farm, we believe in keeping skincare simple and choosing ingredients wisely. We carefully select every ingredient that goes into our products, from the water we use (all collected at the farm and filtered and processed right here) to the oils we use (all extra virgin cold-pressed and of the highest food grade quality) to the preservatives we use (always food grade, always in the lowest possible amounts).
Sensitive Facial Skin? Avoid These Four Ingredients

Sensitive Facial Skin? Avoid These Four Ingredients

Did you know that the skin on your face is the thinnest on your body? In fact, the skin around your eyes is 80 times thinner than the thickest skin on your body (which happens to be the soles of your feet). Despite this, your face is exposed to more skincare and cosmetic products than any other part of your body, including washes, moisturizers, toners, peels, lipstick, foundation, blush, and eyeshadow.
Soothing Sensitive Skin in Hot Weather

Soothing Sensitive Skin in Hot Weather

When the temperature rises, it can be tough for people with sensitive skin. Hot weather tends to cause more redness, dryness, and discomfort for our skin. The heat, humidity, and too much sun exposure can really irritate skin that's already sensitive.
6 Skincare Products You DON'T Need

6 Skincare Products You DON'T Need

It might sound odd for a skincare company to tell its customers not to buy skincare but with an ever increasing number of products out there, more definitely does not mean better - especially when it comes to your skin. Your skin is a living thing, and a lot of what's being marketed only serves to overwhelm or pile on ingredients your skin just doesn’t need. Fewer products with fewer ingredients, and a lighter touch is always wise.
Navigating the Challenges of Eczema in Kids

Navigating the Challenges of Eczema in Kids

Eczema is a common skin condition that affects children, and there are two types that are most commonly seen - atopic eczema and irritant eczema. Atopic eczema is more common in urban areas, likely because of the lack of exposure to microbes in the environment. The skin with atopic eczema is also less able to retain moisture, making it more reactive to the environment and susceptible to the itch-scratch cycle. It's crucial to keep the affected skin moisturized with products that don't contain fragrances, fillers, colors, or preservatives, as they can trigger the itch-scratch cycle.
Facial Skin: Chose the Best Natural Moisturiser for You

Facial Skin: Chose the Best Natural Moisturiser for You

Perhaps unusually for a skincare brand, we don’t market our moisturisers as being for a particular part of your body. We don’t position our lotions as face or neck or hand moisturisers. Why not? Because we believe that understanding your skin’s condition and matching it with the right natural ingredients is key - not all facial skin is the same, so what makes a facial moisturiser work for one person might make it worse for another. 
Avoid These Eczema Triggers

Avoid These Eczema Triggers

It's well known that atopic eczema is often triggered by allergens in the environment (dust mites, certain fibres, pollen, mold) and in the diet (dairy, shellfish, eggs, nuts). But if you have atopic eczema or know someone who does, you might have noticed that there are other strange triggers of the itch-scratch cycle.